I think in some way or another I have always been the kind of person to think, "I can't wait to be (insert an "older" age here)". I struggled with enjoying the present, the now, the current place I'm in until very recently. When I was a young girl I couldn't wait to be a teenager.... because that meant dating. When I was a teenager, through family circumstances and life, I grew up really quickly and wanted to be an older age that wouldn't juxtapose the roles I had to take on in my family as much as my teen years did. I couldn't wait for my age to maybe signify that I could be or should be taken seriously. 20 is the most boring birthday of all, so I spent an entire year counting down to turn 21. I used to think I'd have my whole life figured out by 25 and I couldn't wait to reach that milestone. Well, let me just tell you that as a 25 year old I do NOT have everything figured out- not even a little bit- not even close.... but that's ok.I would be bored out of my mind if I had everything figured out already! Even today I can catch myself thinking "I can't wait to be in my 30s... that'll be the decade for me". But what is age really other than a number? I've been asking myself this a lot lately (since I don't have everything figured out at 25 like I thought I would). I don't really have a great answer, nothing profound or new to add to the discussion of age. But what I do have is a brain full of memories, both good and bad, a heart full of love that's also covered in scars that led me to where I am today, and a backbone and willpower that is stronger than I ever thought I could be. My spirit is determined, at the ready, my soul is full of this child like, youthful whimsy complemented with some wise roots to hurdle me forward into this next week or season or year or decade or forever. "Life is good- it beckons us to join in the dance". Speaking of dance....that's also a part of Getting Old Sucks. We as an ensemble have various moving backgrounds and interests. One thing I love about being a CDE company member is getting to work with so many gorgeous humans who all come from such different backgrounds of physical theatre. I'm forever in awe of the people I get to work with, I am forever humbled. And I can pretty much promise you that you will be in awe, too. If there is one thing that can make me feel old already, it's my body. The injuries I've gone through, the breaks I had to take from dancing to heal, the path(s) to recovery after getting hurt, the crunchy feeling I get in most of my joints during the winter, straight up losing feeling in parts of my body sometimes- it definitely makes me feel old sometimes. The human body is an incredible thing, though. We CAN heal, we CAN recover. We can rest and breathe and carry babies and carry heavy loads of groceries and carry heavy loads of pain and we can warrior on and keep on thriving. One thing I am learning (over and over again) is how to listen to my body, and how to honor it. Getting old sucks, getting injured sucks- but it's just a part of this life. It's going to happen at some point and the more aware I am of my body now, the more I respect my body and what it can do, the happier I am. One of the many lessons I've learned during this 25th trip around the sun is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, MAGGIE. So, I'm trying to do that more and more every day. We can't wait to share this piece with you- its a good one, a special one, maybe the most relatable and most personal piece I've had the pleasure to work on. Maybe Getting Old Sucks- but this show and this creative team sure doesn't. And I can't wait for you to find out for yourself!! ![]() Maggie Robinson is thrilled to be with CDE for a third season. She hails from Tennessee and received her BFA in Musical Theatre Performance (University of Memphis) and was a choreographer and dance teacher throughout the tristate area and in Chicago is a Teaching Artist with Emerald City Children's Theatre. Recent choreography credits include Pirates of Penzance (Saltbox Theatre Collective), Carrie 2: The Rage a musical parody (Underscore Theatre), A Memory A Monologue A Rant A Prayer (CDE). See Getting Old Sucks! February 22 - March 3 Friday & Saturday, 8pm Sunday, 3pm Get Your Tickets Here! At age 67, I was not expecting to audition for any dance/movement show ever again in my life. But when I saw the audition notice for Getting Old Sucks, I had a gut feeling that I had to audition for this show. Since my last audition had been over 25 years ago, I had to scramble to get an updated resume and headshot together. Thanks to my millennial friends, I accomplished this in two days. Getting cast made my heart flutter. YES! I was once again going to work and perform with people who loved to move and perform as much as me. Then, of course, reality set in. Was I going to have the energy and physical ability to meet the directors’ expectations? I was immediately put at ease when their main concern was my safety; they didn’t want me to hurt myself. With their support, I can be the imperfect (elder) human I am, trying her best to be the best performer she can be. Thank you Michele and Scott for this opportunity! I am loving it! And so, what does aging mean to me? It means to persevere despite all of the obstacles and setbacks. To do this successfully, don’t compare yourself to your younger self or others, be who you are now. Let your passions guide you and follow through with gusto. Your soul is beautiful and ageless; let it flow from your being. Be kind in your words and deeds, and forgive. Be friends with and listen to people of all ages. We all need each other to get through this mysterious adventure we call life. Diane Diane Blumensaadt is an Ensemble member for, Getting Old Sucks and is so excited to be a part of the CDE’s production of Getting Old Sucks. A native Chicagoan, she has a background in ballet, jazz, modern dance and Hawaiian hula and is a classically trained singer.
Come see Diane perform! Getting Old Sucks February 22 - March 3 Friday & Saturday, 8pm Sunday, 3pm |
April 2021