Film Strips 101- A Film Festival with a Different Twist!
"Film Strips 101" Dec. 8th 7pm - 11pm, 2000 W. Fulton St. 2nd Floor Gallery
The idea for Film Strips 101 was born when a principal at one of Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble's outreach programs gave the company a box of old film strips used in grammar school education from 1950 to 1970's. Titles of some of these films are, "Science - Servant of Man," "Making Gingerbread Boys" and "Asia - Worlds New Powder Keg." CDE asked 21 artists to create work inspired by individual film strips. The result? A wide range of genres including painting, music, Butoh, modern dance, and sketch comedy.
Check out the photos from this truly one-of-a-kind event.